Open Source Startup Podcast
Open Source Startup Podcast
Episode 146: Inventing Virtual Kubernetes Clusters

Episode 146: Inventing Virtual Kubernetes Clusters

Podcast episode with Lukas Gentele from Loft

Lukas Gentele is Co-Founder & CEO of Loft, the platform engineering company behind "kubernetes virtualization" to reduce costs and create efficiencies for teams with high (and growing) kubernetes usage. They allow any organization to scale self-service access to Kubernetes from 10 to 10,000 engineers.

Loft recently raised $24M led by Khosla Ventures and previously raised from investors including Fusion Fund.

In this episode, we dig into the company's journey through a shift from being a PaaS (devpod) to virtualization of kubernetes (vcluster), the rapid feedback loop you get from having an open source-based company, why Lukas thinks open source founders should be more commercial from the start & more!

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